Planning Board Meeting January 27, 2014

Declaration of Appointments by the Township Committee: Pending the election of officers, the meeting was called to order by Mr. Hall. He announced the appointments to the Board of Richard Clew for a three-year term (Class II) and Tim Jones for a one-year term (Alternate). Nanette DiTosto, Alf Newlin and Joe Schliefer were reappointed for one-year terms. The oath was administered to the appointees who were present.

Roll Call: Messrs. dePoortere and Newlin, and Ms. DiTosto absent.

2014 Reorganization
Mr. Saulnier was unanimously elected Chairman. The meeting was turned over to Mr. Saulnier, and Ms. Olcott was unanimously elected Vice-Chairman.
The resolution (01-14) for professional services (to be provided by Messrs. Drew, Fox and Hall) was unanimously approved. Mr. Fox was sworn in; Mr. Drew was absent.
The resolution (02-14) to set the meeting dates for 2013 was unanimously approved.

Minutes: The minutes of the meetings on October 28, 2013 and November 18, 2013 were approved after some comments and revisions. The minutes of the site visit to the Lang property on December 7, 2013 were also approved.

o Ms. Olcott presented some statistics on Harding from a county municipal demographics report (#1 median home value of $1MM+, #2 median household income of $165K, and in the top 5 of education attainment with 76% of population with at least a bachelor’s degree).
o Mr. Dietz reported that the Water and Environmental Committee will be looking at storm water management.
o Mr. Schliefer reported minimal activity at the Board of Adjustment with one case involving coverage.
o Mr. Clew reported that the Environmental Commission had held its reorganization meeting and that 2014 priorities were being set.

Application PB 04-13, Applicant Wesley and Mary Margaret Lang, Block 19, Lot 7, 521 James Street, Minor Subdivision Approval. Action: Continue Public Hearing. This is a property of over 12 acres with two proposed lots that conform to size requirements. Lot 7.03 (5.44 acres) has been created as a flag lot at back of property with a drive to serve it. Lot 7 will be 7 acres. Everything conforms to zoning requirements except playhouse about 40 feet from property line. A swing set will be removed and play house will be retained. There will be an easement to allow new drive to avoid trees along property line. A 30K gallon cistern was installed at end of the flag staff, and there is a storm water management plan to deal with new drive. New house shown on plan is currently conceptual. The bridle path easement was widened to 25 feet along southern line and line in back (along perimeter), and there will be landscaping along uphill side of driveway.

Mr. Fox then reviewed his report which included several issues. The driveway needs to be realigned to reduce the grade and include spacing requirement for passing zones.

Additional space is needed at the entrance and the apron needs to be paved. With respect to the storm water management plan, the infiltration trench needs to be redesigned for storage, it should show run off will not affect neighbor’s property, trenches need to drain in 72 hours, and a maintenance manual must be developed for the owner. With respect to the bridle trail in the row of trees along the southern line, sufficient width must be provided given gravel in infiltration trench.

The Board discussed whether a resolution should be drafted. The inclination of the Board was to approve the application if all conditions were met, so Ms. Olcott moved that a resolution be prepared for review at the next meeting. This was approved and the matter was carried to the meeting on February 24, 2014.

Other Business
o 2014 Planning Board Budget: Mr. Saulnier presented a draft budget for discussion. He will revise and get to Gail McKane. The final budget will be introduced in March and approved in April.
o 2014 Goals and Initiatives: As a carryover from 2013, Mr. Saulnier suggested a review of land use and environmental ordinances that could be causing hardships for property owners, as well as ordinances that might tighten requirements for property owners. A list of such ordinances will be discussed at the February meeting.

Meeting adjourned.