Board of Education Meeting Highlights: January 18, 2016
Board Organization: The school Board completed its 2016 re-organization by announcing the appointments to its committees.
These include:
Curriculum and Instruction John Flynn, Howard Kotkin
Personnel and Management Kim Macauley, John Flynn
Facilities and Finance Howard Kotkin, Abi Singh
Technology John Flynn, Howard Kotkin
Policy Davor Gjivoje, Kim Macauley
Negotiations Kim Macauley, Abi Singh
Buildings and Grounds Howard Kotkin, Davor Gjivoje
Madison Board of Education Abi Singh, Howard Kotkin
Morris County School Board Assoc. John Flynn
Morris Educational Services Comm. Kim Macauley District Curriculum Council Davor Gjivoje Culture and Climate Kim Macauley NJ School Boards Delegate John Flynn Budget and Finance: As a result of a mandate of the Affordable Care Act, the Board approved, effective July 1, 2016, the offering of single enrollment, basic plan, health care to teachers’ aides.
School Budget Time line:
Preliminary Budget Report II: February 22
Budget formally presented to Board: March 21
Public hearing on budget: April 25
Personnel: The Board approved, at the BA entry level, the hiring of a certified teacher for mathematics (non algebra) for grades 6-8. The Board approved, effective February 1, 2016, a per diem salary increase for substitute teachers from $95/day to $100/day for those with two or more years of continuous service in the District.
Executive Session: The Board discussed the quarterly performance review of the Superintendent. The Board heard a presentation on Harding district school safety, a program that is coordinated with the Harding Police Department and State of NJ public safety officials.
(Note: the purpose of this brief report is to help Harding residents connect with the School by highlighting significant items addressed by the Board and are not “meeting minutes.” Minutes are filed by the Board Secretary and placed on the Harding School website for all to view, generally about a month after the meeting date.)