Meeting Highlights: Board of Education Meeting 12-07-2015
This was a short meeting of the School Board, with just a few updates on school matters.
Superintendent Matt Spelker announced that the results of the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) test have been received by the school district. The results will be reported to the faculty on December 14th and to parents on December 15th, with information on how to read and interpret the results. The results will be reported to the community at the Board of Education meeting on December 21st.
The business administrator Robert Brown reported that the official 2015 school enrollment, as reported to the State, is 292 pupils in grades K-8 and 112 pupils in Madison high school. The 2014 enrollment was 290 in K-8 and 119 in Madison.
The School Board approved another out-of-Harding tuition-paying student. The current tuition rate for non-resident K-8 students is $8,500 for a full year (if a sibling is also enrolled, the tuition rate is $7,500/year; the rate for a child of a non-resident employee is $5,100/year). This 2015 school year Harding has five non-resident, tuition paying students in grades K-8 for total revenue of $38,100. In addition, there are currently 19 resident students enrolled in the Harding pre-school program, at a rate of $3,750/year.
Board President Davor Gjivoje announced that the academic presentations at the January and February Board meetings would be on GoogleDocs and on Next Generation Science Standards, respectively. (Note: the purpose of this brief report is to help Harding residents connect with the School by highlighting significant items addressed by the Board and are not “meeting minutes.” Minutes are filed by the Board Secretary and placed on the Harding School website for all to view, generally about a month after the meeting date.)