Voting in the July 7 Primary
The corona virus has disrupted the July 7 primary election. The polling location will not be operating as usual and the election will be…
Memorial Day Speech
Here is a link to John Huston’s Memorial Day Speech.
From the Mayor: Support local businesses
From Mayor Chris Yates: Dear Harding Resident, We thank you for your great cooperation in our efforts to promote social distancing and self-quarantines. These…
Updates from the Kemmerer Library
As you may know, the Kemmerer Library temporarily closed its doors on March 14. We felt that this was the most responsible decision for…
Municipal Budget 2020: Tax RATE Down, But Your Taxes May Vary
The Township Committee released the preliminary 2020 budget for Harding on March 9. Budget approval is expected April 13. Remember, this budget only covers…
Updates on COVID-19
Please check Harding’s municipal website, which is updated throughout the day, for the latest information concerning the coronavirus, and meetings of boards and committees…