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Meet Harding’s Heroes
Come out after the Memorial Day Parade and meet more of Harding’s heroes. The New Vernon Fire Company and First Aid Squad will have…
New Vernon Fire Department Steak and Lobster Dinner
Due to popular demand, A curbside pick-Up Steak and Lobster Dinner will be held SATURDAY, June 12, 2021 from 5pm to 9pm or when…
Calling All Veterans
The 2021 Harding Memorial Day parade on Monday, May 31st will honor all U.S. veterans. We would like all veterans to attend and identify…
2021 Memorial Day Parade
The Harding Township Civic Association will again be sponsoring a Memorial Day Parade on May 31, 2021, stepping off from the Harding Middle School…
Spring Clean-Up
The Harding Township Environmental Commission invites volunteers to help with our spring cleaning. On Saturday April 24th we are planning a community wide effort…
Hesna Pfeiffer Award for Civic Engagement To Help For Harding
Each year the Civic Association gives the Hesna Pfeiffer Award for Civic Engagement to an individual or group that demonstrated significant contributions of civic…
Become a FrogWatcher – Free Citizen Science Training on Zoom – FREE!
Friday March 19, 7-8 PM Like frogs? Hop onto our “citizen science” Zoom training session to learn more about our amphibian friends including how…