Our Community

Calling All Veterans

The 2021 Harding Memorial Day parade on Monday, May 31st will honor all U.S. veterans. We would like all veterans to attend and identify…

2021 Memorial Day Parade

The Harding Township Civic Association will again be sponsoring a Memorial Day Parade on May 31, 2021, stepping off from the Harding Middle School…

New Vernon First Aid Squad

When you call 911, your call is routed to a specially trained dispatcher at the Morris County Office of Emergency Management, who, through a…

Nature’s Best Hope Lecture

The Environmental Commission will host a lecture by lecture and discussion with Dr. Douglas Tallamy, Professor and Chair of the Department of Entomology and…

Columbus Day Hike at the Refuge

Monday, October 14, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge Orange Trailhead (North), approx 77 Meyersville Rd., Green Village (Harding Township)…

Annual Curbside Clean-up

The Harding Township Committee announced that the Annual Curbside Clean-up will commence on Monday, September 30, 2019 Materials that will NOT be collected: Any…

A Conversation About College Costs

A Conversation About College Costs, March 4, 7:00 p.m. Presented by Collegewise of Millburn. College is expensive and the aid formulas are complicated. Join…

Vernal Pool Exploration Hike

Friday, March 29, 7:00 – 9:00 PM GSWA Conservation Management Area (CMA), 83 T0 Lily Ln., Harding Township, NJ With temperatures rising, the forest…

Property Taxes Up 1.5%

The Township showed the preliminary 2019 budget at the January 28 Township Committee meeting.  The bottom line for the taxpayer is a 1.5% increase…