The annual meeting of the Harding Township Historical Society will be held on Thursday, January 17 at 7:30 PM at Christ the King Church. Members and non-members are welcome.
The keynote speaker will be Dr. Jude Pfister, Chief of cultural resources at Morristown National Historic Park, and resident of Morristown since 2004. An historian by training, Pfister has written several books, articles and reviews. Two of these are The Jacob Ford, Jr. Mansion and The Fords of New Jersey, both of which will be drawn upon in his talk, which will focus on the Ford mansion (family home, revolutionary War headquarters, shrine honoring George Washington and, now, a National Historic Park) and the Ford family, itself, of which some members settled in Harding Township in later years.
The annual meeting is a great time to see friends, meet fellow history buffs and, hopefully, become new members of the historical society, which has several events throughout the year in Harding. We look forward to seeing you!
Also, please note the next time you are at Town Hall, the wonderful pictures that HTHS has donated to the Town. They are hanging in the Judge’s Chambers and a fun look back at Harding history.