Vernal Pool Exploration Hike

Friday, March 29, 7:00 – 9:00 PM

GSWA Conservation Management Area (CMA), 83 T0 Lily Ln., Harding Township, NJ

With temperatures rising, the forest floor will be hopping with new life as frogs and other amphibians crowd into shallow puddles of water to breed and lay their eggs. These puddles, better known as vernal pools, provide a perfect opportunity to learn more about Mother Nature here in New Jersey. But we have to hurry! They disappear quickly. This annual Vernal Pool Exploration provides a fun, outdoor learning experience for kids and adults alike. Discover the differences between a spring peeper, a chorus frog, and a wood frog. Find out how far an endangered spotted salamander will walk to find a mating pool. And, learn how much everything we have come to appreciate about the springtime depends upon a few unassuming puddles of water on the forest floor. Warm clothing and waterproof footwear, especially hiking boots, are strongly recommended. This hike is free to all GSWA members; a $10 donation is appreciated from non-member adults, $5 for children. Registration is required. Register online at or call 973-538-3500.

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