Within the past decade, New Jersey has experienced its wettest and warmest years in over a century of observations. Extreme events of late, including Sandy, Irene, and a number of hot summers, suggest that something is happening to NJ’s climate regime. Dr. David Robinson of Rutgers University will explore the physical dimensions of the issue, both short and long term. He will also provide information on how interested individuals can contribute to the monitoring of weather/ climate conditions in the local region. Registration required. Register online at GreatSwamp.org or call (973) 538-3500.
Within the past decade, New Jersey has experienced its wettest and warmest years in over a century of observations. Extreme events of late, including Sandy, Irene, and a number of hot summers, suggest that something is happening to NJ’s climate regime. Dr. David Robinson of Rutgers University will explore the physical dimensions of the issue, both short and long term. He will also provide information on how interested individuals can contribute to the monitoring of weather/ climate conditions in the local region. Registration required. Register online at GreatSwamp.org or call (973) 538-3500.